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Chinese translation for "termination of the adventure"


Related Translations:
termination notice:  终止(福利)通知终止通知
self termination:  自发终止
trail termination:  路径终端
termination equipment:  终端设备
termination stage:  终结期
chain termination:  链终止作用链终止反应
termination circuit:  终端电路
program termination:  程序的终止程序终止
termination schedule:  解约附表
Example Sentences:
1.The contribution to a general average shall be made upon the actual net values of the property at the termination of the adventure except that the value of cargo shall be the value at the time of discharge , ascertained from the commercial invoice rendered to the receiver or if there is no such invoice from the shipped value
Similar Words:
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